Kamal Singhara Atta 200 g

₹ 35.00 ₹ 40.00

Singhara, also known as water caltrop or water chestnut, is a fruit that grows underwater. It is usually a winter fruit, however, its by-products - especially the flour - are available round the year. Water chestnut fruits are dried and ground to make flour. Keywords - Singhara, Singada Singhgada, Singhada, Aata.

Kamal Singhara Atta 200 g - Quick Pantry
Mohanlal Prahladdas

Kamal Singhara Atta 200 g

₹ 35.00 ₹ 40.00

Singhara, also known as water caltrop or water chestnut, is a fruit that grows underwater. It is usually a winter fruit, however, its by-products - especially the flour - are available round the year. Water chestnut fruits are dried and ground to make flour. Keywords - Singhara, Singada Singhgada, Singhada, Aata.

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